Two institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research PAS in Olsztyn and Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS in Jastrzębiec, are members of „Healthy animal – safe food” scientific consortium awarded a prestigious status of the National Leading Research Centre (pol. KNOW) in the field of veterinary sciences.

Apart from the institutes of PAS the consortium distinguished by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education is also comprised by: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (leader), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, and the National Veterinary Institute - National Research Institute in Puławy. Established in 2013, the association aims at i.a. elaborating innovative methods of diagnostics and prophylaxis of animal infectious diseases, with a special emphasis put on diseases that pose a threat to human health. In addition, the consortium will run a joint Graduate School in Integrated Animal and Veterinary Sciences which will allow for leading common activities, including conferences, workshops and trainings.
The status of KNOW is awarded to flagship units of the Polish science for the period of 5 years. In this time additional funding will is granted for strengthening the research potential, developing the scientific staff, creating attractive conditions for research activities, recruitment of foreign specialists, as well as for ensuring scientific scholarships to participants of stationary PHD studies and outstanding students.
The prerequisite for obtaining the status was conducting research of the highest quality, having the right to confer scientific degrees, leading doctoral studies related to ongoing research, and ensuring high standards of education. The applicants were also required to present the programme of scientific development together with the scope of research planned, competitiveness of the studies against global achievements and activities to be undertaken for enhancing the development of young researchers.