On April 21, 2015 Prof. Jerzy Duszyński – the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) met, at Staszic Palace in Warsaw, the delegation of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) headed by its President - Prof. Wang Weiguang. The meeting was also attended by prof. Andrzej Rychard - Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the PAS.

Both sides stressed the long history of bilateral cooperation, which has been carried out since the late eighties. They expressed a great satisfaction with previous collaborative activities implemented initially in the form of joint research projects, study visits and, in the recent years, mainly through mutually organized (not only bilateral) conferences. Currently, the researchers from the following institutes of the PAS and their Chinese counterparts are involved in bilateral cooperation: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Institute of Economic Sciences. The importance of Polish-Chinese scientific contacts was emphasized. The Partners underlined the need to look for further opportunities and forms of cooperation, including multilateral scientific activities with other partners in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, aimed at enhancing and extending the existing scientific relationships. Poland is perceived as
a potential leader in the cooperation in social sciences in the region.

On the same day the Presidents of both Academies opened the seminar: Social Change and Social Management in China and Poland, organized by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the PAS (program).